Online bingo news

The best way to stay updated about what is going on with online bingo is our newsroom! Instead of telling you the benefits of following our newsroom, we will prove you that it is absolutely essential. We will provide you with examples that will fit right into the topics that we will tackle on this section. You will be able to check out our exclusive bingo celebrities’ interviews to get a professional approach to playing bingo. Moreover we will make sure to motivate you with true and real-life success stories of people who won big while playing online bingo. Another topic that we will tackle is the newest bingo games’ launches. This will help you to know what is being put out there by reliable software providers to enjoy even more online bingo! We will update this section of our site the most, so stay tuned for more valuable information regarding online bingo!
Celebrities’ interviews
While everybody has their eyes on poker professionals and other casino games’ experts and celebrities, we tend to forget that bingo too has its fair share of celebrities. Indeed, we hunt them down in order to get a few words with them that could possible help you out or motivate you to push yourself on every online bingo game. It is crucial that you see that people just like you and us manage to rock the boat and hit massive jackpots whenever they put their heads in the game! We will make sure that we provide as many of those as possible for you to realize that although bingo is a lottery game, it is not impossible to increase your odds. In order for you to get an idea of our bingo celebrities’ interviews, we will direct you to our latest interview with a bingo celebrity mom who goes by the name of Katie Price!
Biggest success stories
Success stories are common to every online casino game, but when it comes to bingo it is particularly important. The reason for that is that it is quite difficult to win period at online bingo, but when you do you hit massive jackpots. It is almost a case of all or nothing when it comes to online bingo. Therefore, in order to encourage you in your journey, we went on to find out more about the numerous people who managed to win big while playing bingo! The players will give you their tips as well as their full success story and the aftermath of it all when they decided to go one and play more online bingo. For instance we have a bingo success story coming from the UK that you can check out here!
New games’ launches
Another exciting type of news that you will be able to find on our newsroom is with regards to games’ launches! As you may know online casinos keep on upgrading their gaming platforms to offer more bingo and other casino games everyday. Therefore, we will be at the forefront of it all when it comes to online bingo games. Our partnership with many online casinos and usa online bingo, will allow us to give you exclusive news regarding the launches of new online bingo games daily!